The Marathon course starts and finishes at the Mullen Hall School on Katharine Lee Bates Rd, which is at an elevation of about 7 feet above sea level. The net elevation gain/loss is zero. The total elevation gain over the course is 598 feet.

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Course Description
From the start to about Mile 3 you will enjoy a very flat course. From Mile 3 to Mile 6 you will run a mixture of flat to rolling hills along the famous Falmouth Road Race course, in the reverse direction, passing the iconic Nobska Lighthouse along the way. On this section of the course you will pass the highest elevation of 49 feet. The remainder of the course is flat with the exception of a short hill at Mile 12 that rises to an elevation of about 30 feet. You will encounter this hill again at Mile 23.4 as you run back on this out-and-back section of the course.
Start Elevation: 7 feet
Min/Max Elevation: 5/49 feet
Elevation gain/loss: 594/-594 feet
Finish Elevation: 7 feet
Cape Cod Marathon Turn-By-Turn Directions
- Race Start Line– Mullen Hall School
- Head South on Shore Street
- Turn Right onto Surf Drive
- Turn Right onto Mill Road
- Turn Left onto Cemetery Lane
- Turn Left onto Shining Sea Bikeway
- Turn Right onto Surf Drive
- Surf Drive becomes Oyster Pond Road
- Relay Exchange Zone 1 – on Oyster Pond Road at 3.7 Mile Mark
- Oyster Pond Road becomes Nobska Road
- 5 Mile Mark on Nobska Road before the Lighthouse
- Nobska Road becomes Church Street
- Turn Left onto Woods Hole Road
- Turn Left onto Crane Street
- Crane Street becomes Cowdry Road
- Turn Right into SSA Parking lot – Timing Mat in SSA Parking Lot
- Follow back perimeter to Shining Sea Bikeway
- Follow Shining Sea Bikeway to Surf Drive
- Turn Right onto Surf Drive
- Relay Exchange Zone 2 – at 9.2 Mile Mark at Surf Drive before Mill Rd.
- Turn Left onto Shore Street
- Turn Right onto Clinton Ave
- 10 Mile Mark on Clinton Ave at 155 Clinton Ave after Timothy Nye Cartway
- Turn Left onto Scranton Ave
- Turn Right onto Robbins Road
- Turn Right onto Falmouth Heights Road
- Falmouth Heights Road becomes Grand Ave
- Turn Left at Falmouth Yacht Club
- Grand Ave becomes Menauhant Road
- ½ Marathon timing mat at 196 Menauhant Road after bridge
- Turn Right onto Ocean Ave.
- Turn Left onto Bridge Street
- Turn Right onto Menauhant Road
- Turn left onto Davisville Road
- 15 Mile Mark on Davisville at Bacon Farm Rd.
- Turn Left into East Falmouth Elementary School parking lot
- Relay Exchange Zone 3 – at 15.9 Mile Mark at EFE School
- Timing Mat @ EFE School
- Turn right onto Davisville Road
- Turn Right onto Menauhant Road
- Turn right onto Acapesket Road
- Turn Left onto Great Harbors Drive
- Turn Right onto Alcott Road
- Turn Left onto Sally Lane
- Turn Left onto Shorewood Drive
- Turn Left onto Alcott Road
- Timing Mat on Alcott Road
- Turn Right onto Jenkins Street
- Turn Right onto Acapesket Road
- 20 Mile Mark at #401 Acapesket Rd before Boggs St.
- Turn Right onto Menauhant Road
- Menauhant Road becomes Grand Ave
- Turn Right onto Worcester Ave (East)
- Worcester Ave becomes Worcester Court
- Turn right onto Jericho Path
- Turn Left onto Hudson Street
- Turn Left onto Lake Leaman Road
- Turn Left onto Holland Street
- Timing Mat on Holland Street
- Turn Left onto Jericho Path
- Turn Right onto Worcester Court (West)
- Worcester Court becomes Worcester Ave
- Turn Right onto Grand Ave
- Relay Exchange Zone 4 – at 23.4 Mile Mark at Heights Ball field
- Turn Right at Falmouth Yacht Club
- Grand Ave becomes Falmouth Heights Road
- Turn Left onto Robbins Road
- Turn Left onto Scranton Ave
- 25 Mile Mark on Scranton Ave at Flying Bridge Restaurant
- Turn Right onto Clinton Ave
- Turn Right onto Shore Street
- Race Finish Line – Mullen Hall School
Aid Stations – Sponsored by Martha’s Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation and Eagle Events Management.
We have 16 water stations on the marathon course. All of them provide both water and Gatorade. They are spaced at roughly 2 mile intervals, but not exactly. In the later stages of the race, the water stations are placed one mile apart at miles 23, 24, and 25. There will be a GU gel station at mile 16, and GU chews at mile 19.5.
The water stations will also be stocked with first aid kits to treat minor issues, such as blisters or bruises. Medical tents at the finish line will be staffed with medical personnel and supplies to handle any medical issues that may arise.
Portable restrooms will be at start/finish area, as well as at each water station along the course.
Runner Progression Chart
Mile | Fastest (5:00/mile) | Slowest (13:44/mile) | Location |
0 | 8:00 am | 8:00 am | Start – Mullen Hall School |
1 | 8:05 AM | 8:14 am | Surf Drive at Bywater Court |
2 | 8:10 am | 8:27 am | Shining Sea Bikeway near Locust St. |
3 | 8:15 am | 8:41 am | Shining Sea Bikeway near Surf Drive |
4 | 8:20 am | 8:55 AM | Oyster Pond Rd. after F R Lillie Rd. |
5 | 8:25 am | 9:09 AM | Nobask Rd. before Lighthouse Hill |
6 | 8:30 am | 9:22 AM | Woods Hole Rd after Church St. (559 Woods Hole Rd) |
7 | 8:35 AM | 9:36 AM | Shining Sea Bikeway before Fay Rd. bridge |
8 | 8:40 AM | 9:50 AM | Shining Sea Bikeway before Trunk River bridge |
9 | 8:45 AM | 10:04 AM | Surf Dr. 100 yards before FRR 4 Mile Mark |
10 | 8:50 AM | 10:17 AM | Clinton Ave at Timothy Nye Cartway |
11 | 8:55 AM | 10:31 AM | Falmouth Heights Rd. at Charr Custom Boat |
12 | 9:00 AM | 10:45 AM | Grand Ave at Walden Ave. |
13 | 9:05 AM | 10:58 AM | Menauhant Rd. at end of Great Pond Bridge |
13.1 | 9:06 AM | 11:00 AM | After Great Pond Bridge at 196 Menauhant Rd. |
14 | 9:10 AM | 11:12 AM | After Green Pond Bridge Past Green Harbor Rd |
15 | 9:15 AM | 11:26 AM | Davisville Rd. at At Bacon Farm Rd. |
16 | 9:20 AM | 11:40 AM | After Relay 3 – 91 Davisville Rd. before Rose Meadow Rd. |
17 | 9:25 AM | 11:54 AM | Davisville Rd. at Seashell & Shaker Lanes |
18 | 9:30 AM | 12:07 PM | Acapesket Rd just after Menauhant Intersection |
19 | 9:35 M | 12:21 PM | Shorewood Dr. at Great Harbor Clubhouse |
20 | 9:40 AM | 12:35 PM | Acapesket Rd. after House #401 before Boggs St. |
21 | 9:45 AM | 12:49 PM | Menauhant Rd. after Beach St. at bridge |
22 | 9:50 AM | 1:02 PM | #25 Worcester Ct. (East) before Jericho Path |
23 | 9:55 AM | 1:16 PM | #18 Worcester Ct. (West) after Jericho Path |
24 | 10:00 AM | 1:30 PM | Grand Ave before Black Dog Cafe |
25 | 10:05 AM | 1:44 PM | Scranton Ave at Flying Bridge Rest. before Frances Ave. |
26 | 10:10 AM | 1:57 PM | Shore St. at Shoreway Acres Inn |
26.2 | 10:12 AM | 2:00 PM | Finish — Mullen Hall School |